Completion of works in Ávila
Works completion project. Garganta del Villar, Navalacruz, Navarredondilla, San Juan del Molinillo and Navalmoral de la Sierra. Wastewater Treatment Plants in each municipality

Description of the Works:
Construction project of the building works necessary for the completion of the Alto Alberche Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) and the outlet pipes connecting to them, in the municipalities of Garganta del Villar, Navalacruz, Navarredondilla, San Juan del Molinillo and Navalmoral de la Sierra.
Customer: Junta de Castilla y León
Allocation Date: 2015
Base Tender Budget: 595.853,16 €
The treatment system used in each of the plants consists of the following elements:
- Pretreatment with two roughing channels, the normal operating channel equipped with a screw type screen and the by-pass channel equipped with a manual grid.
- Biological treatment in a compact purification unit equipped with submerged aerators.
- Treated water outlet manhole.