Construction Project of a Recycling Centre (Ecopark) in Hoyo de Pinares (Ávila)
Technical Assistance to Construction Management and Health & Safety Coordination
INDEPRO ha realizado el proyecto de construcción para la ejecución de las obras con el fin de crear un Punto Limpio en El Hoyo de Pinares, de modo que sirva de apoyo técnico para la Contratación y realización de las mismas.

Customer: Ayuntamiento de Hoyo de Pinares
Allocation Date: 2015
Tender Base Construction Budget: 276.897,39 €
Description of the Works:
The projected Ecopark, has two levels delimited by a retaining wall:
- On the lower level or level 0, the containers, the truck manoeuvre area, the control building and the access with its gates are located.
- The upper level, is formed by the roads that start at level 0 and go up to level 1.55, and the platform on which the accesses to the containers are located for the users of the containers.