Hydrological study related to the access roads in Poyales del Hoyo (Ávila)
Hydrological study for the stream that cross the village, works are performed in the old road AV-P-714 access to Poyales del Hoyo from the CL-501, section CL-501-Poyales del Hoyo. KP 0+200 to KP 2+035"
Description of the Works:
Analysis of the hydraulic behavior of the new masonry work to be implemented O.D. 1.0 (PK 1+070) contemplated in the project
“Improvement of accesses". Old road AV-P-714 access to Poyales del Hoyo from the CL-501 Section: CL-501-Poyales del Hoyo. K.P. 0+200 to 2+035", promoted by the Consejería de Fomento y Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Castilla y León.
Customer: Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero (Ministerio para la transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico).
Allocation Date: October de 2012
Construction Budget: 117.368,68 €
The indicated masonry work corresponds to a transversal drainage, that replaces the existing one at present, due to the execution of the improvement works on the road. The structure is located in an area of public hydraulic domain associated with one of the streams in the area called Arroyo del Pueblo (or Arroyo del Barranco del Valle), a tributary of the Arbillas River.