W.P.P. Enlargement in Casavieja (Ávila)

Description of the Work:
The purpose of this project is the construction of a Water Purification Plant (W.P.P.), to purify the water gathered in the existing water collectors in order to ensure that it is suitable for human consumption. A two-line treatment is proposed with a capacity of 54.76 m3/h in winter, and 109.52 m3/h in summer. The proposal consists of a lamellar settling process, with a very low upward velocity, followed by multilayer filtration.
Ozone dispensing at the beginning of the treatment line is foreseen in order to adjust the organic matter content in the water to be treated, avoiding the formation of chlorocombined substances, optimizing in this way the organoleptic characteristics of the treated water.
Customer: Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Medio Ambiente
Allocation Date: July 2009
Termination Date: July 2010
Construction Budget: 2.055.400,00 €
In situations where the water source is adequate, the ozone treatment will be replaced by sodium hypochlorite in pre-chlorination.
The treatment will be optimized by dosing coagulants and flocculants agents, concluding the process with the final desinfection of the water flow using sodium hypochlorite. Liquid activated carbon is also dosed in the decanting stage for periods of low quality of the water.
The operation of the system will be automatic by means of a programmable controllers with synoptic information on the status of the plant.