Ecological Restoration of the Alberca dam image of the ONCE coupon.

One of the projects in which INDEPRO has taken part, is the first coupon of the collection “Being sustainable”, which aims to disseminate the commitment of the autonomous communities for the protection of the environment.
The Community of Madrid will star in the coupon of the National Organization of the Blind of Spain (ONCE) for the drawing of May 7 with the image of the ecological restoration of the old dam of La Alberca, carried out by Canal de Isabel II in collaboration with INDEPRO.
The Councilor for the Environment, Housing and Agriculture, Paloma Martín, has attended its presentation at the regional Environmental Education Center El Campillo, in Rivas Vaciamadrid, where she explained that the execution of this project of dismantling the old Alberca Dam in Cenicientos, and the subsequent restoration of its natural environment, is a reference at European level in relation to the protection of biodiversity and an example of circular economy.
This action is part of the collection of this non-profit organization “Being sustainable”, which aims to disseminate the commitment of the autonomous communities for the protection of the environment.