Identification, review and study of sections with insufficient drainage

Identification, review and study of sections with insufficient drainage

Identification, review and study of sections with insufficient drainage that represent a serious obstacle to water flow.

Description of the Works:

The work to be performed will be as described below:

  • Location and identification of points in ARPSI areas that represent a serious obstacle to water flow, analyzing orthophotos, hazard and risk maps, etc.
  • Identification and consideration of variables such as flooding surface, depths, velocities, affected population, economic activities, etc., in order to establish Hazard-Risk dispersion diagrams to obtain a classification or degree of affectation.

Customer: Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero

Allocation Date: 2016

  • Selection of hot spots, establishing priorities, according to the maximum rating obtained in terms of danger and risk.
  • Detailed study of each spot, making visits to the areas for “in situ" observation of the condition and an estimated diagnosis of the possible causes of the insufficient drainage capacity.
  • Creation of description sheets for each hot spot.
  • GIS format compilation of all analyzed hot spots together, with the corresponding information layers in shape format.
  • Preparation of a Final Report.