Technical Assistance for the development of the LIFE15 IPE/ES/009 Project
Technical Assistance for the development of the Project "Implementation of the Management Plan of the Duero River Basin, in the Central-Southern Part of the Duero River Basin (Life-IP RBMP-Duero)". LIFE15 IPE/ES/009

Description of the Works:
Development of technical and administrative documentation in English language for the project “Life-Ip Rbmp-Duero, Implemention Of The River Duero Basin Management Plan In The Central-South Part Of The River Duero Basin", for the LIFE Integrated Projects 2015 call.
In 2014 the Duero Hydrographic Confederation submitted a proposal for an Integrated Project whose objective was to fully develop the River Basin Management Plan in the Adaja, Zapardiel and Trabancos river basins as a pilot experience, being this project an instrument to implement innovative, sustainable, participatory solutions, etc. exportable to the rest of the basin as advocated by the EU.
Customer: Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero
Allocation Date: 2015
Total Budget: 16.370.360,00 € (IVA excluido)
This proposal was not selected among those chosen, so on the occasion of the new call of the LIFE program for 2015 the Duero Hydrographic Confederation decided to resubmit a proposal. In this case, the scope of action is reduced to the Zapardiel, Trabancos and Arevalillo river basins, and to the territory delimited by the Medina del Campo aquifer.
With respect to the 2014 proposal, the upper part of the Adaja river basin is eliminated because it presents fewer pressures and threats, in order to focus the project in areas where aquatic resources are more threatened and prioritizing actions according to the objectives of the Basin Hydrological Plan.
The consortium of partners is formed by the Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero itself (Coordinating Beneficiary) and the beneficiary partners Junta de Castilla y León, Fundación Patrimonio Natural, SOMACYL and Diputación de Ávila.
The overall score obtained in all the evaluation criteria significantly improved the results of the proposal submitted for the previous call.