R+D+i Management Systems UNE 166002:2021
Indepro obtains the Certificate: R+D+i Management Systems UNE 166002:2021
Indepro has certified the implementation of an R+D+i (research, development and innovation) Management System according to the requirements of the new UNE 166002:2021 Standard.
The R+D+i Management Systems allow companies and organisations, regardless of their size or the economic sector to which they belong, to systematically improve their R&D&I activities, without restricting them to fixed rules that limit the imagination and emotional intelligence of researchers, providing useful guidelines to effectively organise and manage this type of activities.
The UNE 166002 standard contains requirements and practical guidelines for the formulation and development of R&D&I policies, for the establishment of objectives in accordance with the specific activities, products and services of each organisation, for the identification of emerging technologies or new technologies not applied in their sector, whose assimilation and subsequent transfer will provide the basis for generating projects, enhancing their products, processes or services and improving their competitiveness.
The R+D+i Management System Certification allows companies to:
- Systematise their R+D+i activities and integrate them into the general management of the company.
- Plan, organise and control the R+D+i units, as well as the portfolio of products generated.
- Establish the interaction of R+D+i with other departments or divisions.
- Demonstrate the transparency of R&D&I activities.
- To provide added value of confidence in the company’s R+D+i activity, improving its corporate image and competitiveness.
- Compatibility with other management systems.