Experts in river restoration learn about the actions of the Life IP Duero project.

Experts in river restoration learn about the actions of the Life IP Duero project.

The Hydrographic Confederation of the Duero (CHD) holds a panel of experts in river restoration in Arévalo, framed in the Life-IP Duero project, which coordinates the agency for a management of water resources in the basin through innovative, sustainable, participatory and exportable solutions to the rest of the river basins.

Between Monday and Tuesday, the experts will make several field visits to the area to learn about the measures being carried out to improve river connectivity, including the elimination of the weir of the Molino de Don Álvaro de Luna mill on the Adaja river. This is an out-of-use weir, approximately 55 meters long and 3.8 meters high.

Other examples of these actions are the decanalizations carried out in the Zapardiel river, in the towns of Lomoviejo and Tordesillas (Valladolid), in which the river has been reconnected with sections of its old course. With the recovery of the old course, the biological communities that belong to it will occupy their space again, but also the reconnection of the river with its meadows, where an important socioeconomic activity is developed.

Likewise, the flood plain and the sinuosity of these riverbeds, typical of the plain rivers, have been recovered, eliminating more than half of the stretch of motes in the Zapardiel river, with the plantations currently occupying some 70 linear kilometers along the Zapardiel and Trabancos riverbeds.

On the other hand, the renaturalization of these riverbeds and the recovery of the fluvial space result in greater protection against floods, a pressing need in certain points of the Arevalillo river, where flooding phenomena in urban areas are recurrent. This action has provided the river with sufficient space while at the same time eliminating obsolete structures such as some problematic dams, reducing the height of the water during floods and thus increasing protection against flooding.

Read the full article at: Expertos en restauración fluvial conocen las actuaciones del proyecto Life IP Duero | Ávilared | Noticias de Ávila (