Rural Boost
Revitalization of rural areas through entrepreneurship and diversification of products or services provided.

The Rural Boost project brings together entities from the 3 countries of the SUDOE area (Portugal, Spain, France) with different typologies, namely: an entity of the scientific and technological development system (COFAC/ ULusófona), Regional Public Authorities (Municipality of El Hoyo de Pinares and Bétera), 4 civil society organizations (Corane, AGAVI, Accent Sud, CEEI burgos) and an SME with innovative potential (Activhandi).
INDEPRO submits Project proposal in April 2023
Project duration: 36 months
Project summary
RuralBoost aims to respond to common challenges related to the demographic, territorial and natural characteristics of the SUDOE area, such as the need for social and territorial cohesion (depopulation of rural areas), and to promote intelligence and competitiveness, bringing together universities and businesses.
The main objective of RuralBoost is to revitalize rural areas through entrepreneurship and diversification of the products or services offered. It will map the scientific-technological knowledge and skills of the SUDOE region to identify specific needs, and promote university-industry cooperation. The training, for 100 participants, will have a b-learning component with face-to-face and distance sessions, and will also test its applicability outside the academic environment, such as in vulnerable populations (such as the unemployed under 50) and SMEs.
A MOOC on “Sustainable Development and Entrepreneurship" will be launched, which will support the training and will be available after the project, allowing the training of more actors inside and outside the SUDOE territory. Two Living Labs will be created (in El Hoyo de Pinares and Bétera) to test some solutions for the diversification of (tourism) services and innovative products resulting from the valorization of endogenous products. A transnational community of practice will be created that will function as a collaborative network for the revitalization of rural areas and for collaboration with other actors in other areas.
RuralBoost is made innovative by the integrative approach to “rural thinking", and the 360º entrepreneurship contest that will support the entire development of ideas up to their prototyping and testing in Living Labs. The training program will be supported by innovative technologies and teaching methods, such as problem-based learning and integrated knowledge, allowing the optimization of results and resource management.